1. Uglich Kremlin with Dmitry's church on Blood, Transfiguration Cathedral, a belltower, chambers of the tsarevitch Dimitrii, etc.
Uglich Kremlin - a historical and architectural complex in historic center of the city of Uglich. It is located on the high right river bank Volga, between Shelkovkaya's small river and the Stone stream flowing into her which provided the natural security of fortress increased by the ditch which is dug through from Shelkovki to the Stone stream..
The first strengthenings have possibly arisen in 947 when Jan Pleskovich requested from the princess Olga of the permission for construction of strengthenings. The Kremlin has been strengthened by shaft and wooden walls which repeatedly collapsed. The last time of a wall, a tower and bridges have been restored in 1660-1662. In hundred years they were sorted because of decay and uselessness.
2. Sacred Resurrection Monastery.
The 17th century left several outstanding creations of architecture in Uglich. Among them there is a grandiose Resurrection Monastery. Time of his basis is unknown, but some light is shed by Saint Paisius Uglichsky Life where it is said that on October 1, 1482 on consecration of the stone cathedral temple of the Pokrovsk monastery there was among other voskresenskiya an archimandrite Nafanail. There is also other assumption - he could be among the monasteries founded by the uglichsky prince Roman Vladimirovich (1261-1285) operating the city in the second half of the 13th century. Since the monastery has been erected, not years – have made noise centuries. Many constructions including the walls surrounding him have completely disappeared. But the main thing – the cathedral, a belfry and a refectory with church as if extended to one harmonous line and components uniform ensemble, unique on beauty, – surprising creation of the Russian architects has remained. The present stage of history of monastery has begun in 1999 when the monastery has been transferred to Russian Orthodox Church and revival of his true appointment and monastic life has begun.
3. Epiphany Monastery with a heavy cathedral .
Epiphany Monastery with a heavy cathedral.
4. Alekseevsky Monastery with Uspensky ("Marvellous") church.
The most ancient of the uglichskikh of monasteries – Alekseevsky – is constructed on the height called in the ancient time by the Fire mountain. The monastery has been founded in 1371 by the large Moscow politician metropolitan Alexy as an ideological outpost of the Moscow state gaining strength. Up to the 16th century of construction of the monastery were wooden. In 1534 the first stone building of the uglichsky posad – Alekseevsky church is under construction here. Unfortunately, in the 19th century she has been completely changed, and now nothing reminds the oldest of stone churches of Uglich. During the Polish-Lithuanian intervention of 1608-1611 Alekseevsky Monastery has been almost completely destroyed, the uglichena, the protecting approaches to the city, are killed. Obviously, in memory of the residents who have died at a monastery siege in 1628 three tent Church of the Assumption from a refectory, a white obelisk shot up up are under construction here. For beauty and singularity of architecture church at top of the Ogniyevy mountain in old times called Marvellous. Absence in a refectory of kitchen, utility rooms suggests an idea that "Marvellous" intended not for usual meals, and for celebrations. The unknown architect, building "Marvellous", I built the memorial temple, like St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, church of Rise in Kolomna. The restoration works which have begun in the 1920th years under the leadership of P. Baranovsky and I. Grabar and continued by employees of the Yaroslavl restoration workshop in the 50th years have helped to rescue monastery monuments from destruction, have returned him initial shape. Now the monastery is transferred to Russian Orthodox Church. Works on restoration of a fencing, economic and inhabited constructions are begun, church services are carried out. The women's monastery revives.
5. Church of Christmas of John the Forerunner.
Between the high coast of Volga and a difficult complex of Resurrection Monastery there is a beautiful figured church of Christmas of John the Forerunner "that on Volga", constructed in 1689-1690. The elegant temple is well visible from water and beautifully contrasts with massive domes of Resurrection Cathedral. The tragic story of the XVII century is connected with construction on the bank of Volga of the new temple. Approximately in the middle of the XVII century in Uglich there lived a rich posadsky person Nikifor Chepolosov who had a son Vanya. Once Vanya who was only six years old has left to the teacher and was gone. When began to find out, чтоЦерковь Ioann Predechi's Christmas "what on Volga" could happen to the boy, it has turned out that the salesman Rudak serving at Chepolosov, having "zlobstvenny … in heart the hidden trick" (as it is told in chronicles of the XVII-XVIII centuries), has kidnapped the child and has killed him. What whether has forced it to arrive thus − revenge, or other motives − it is unknown. On the place of death of the son Chepolosov has put at first a wooden chapel, and later, at the end of the 1680th years, and stone church for which construction he, perhaps, has invited the Moscow masters. It is possible to find the temple open very seldom so most often it is necessary to admire it outside.
6. Ensemble of the Floor space — Malls (1860), merchant houses.
Uglich located on the main waterway of the European part of Russia − on Volga − always was the trade city. And, of course, I was a central square Trade. Moreover what − from three parts! Certainly, and malls in him there was a set, it isn't worse, than in Kostroma. Now at Uspenskaya Square we see only not numerous remains of rich merchant last Uglich. From a huge complex of a floor space there were only two buildings of malls − just between them to the square there is Rostovskaya Street. Also the Merchant houses making ensemble of the Floor space are of interest. One of curious objects is the house of merchants Pereslavtsev executed in the spirit of classicism. Admiring external and internal furniture of this building, it is difficult to suspect that initially it has been executed completely from a tree. Unfortunately, original construction has burned down, and for restoration of the house modern materials were used. The house of merchants Evreinov is opposite to the Kremlin, the magnificent view he reminds the palace. The building has been carefully restored, today it serves as premises of the Duma and Administration of Uglichsky municipal district.