The ring was created long;
It - a basis of all Russia -
Life has begun to flow as if Volga!
Feel her regularity.

Nick Mamaev

  1. Yuriy Dolgoruky Monument.
    The monument in Yuryev-Poskiy was installed in 2002 at the city's central square, close to the main historical and architectural sights Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky monastery and the Kremlin. The monument stands in an open area and is perfectly visible from afar. Sculpture of duke carved of granite and stands on a rectangular pedestal. His right hand gently rests on the sword and the left holds the edge of the mantle. View ancient ruler flies into the distance. At the foot of the monument to Yuri Dolgoruky installed two small statues of Lions.
  2. Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Monastery
    Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky monastery is an Orthodox monastery of the Alexander diocese. It is located in the heart of the Yuryev-Polskiy in the ring of ancient earthen shaft XII century. The monastery was founded in the 13th century by duke Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich. In 1238 the armies of Batyi Khan during the taking of Yuriev-Polskiy destroyed the monastery, and for almost two centuries it stood in ruins. In 1560, they built the first stone church, and since then the monks life began to revive.
  3. Yurievsky Kremlin and defensive ramparts. .
    Historians only imagine how these buildings looked like in the 12th century, on the southwest side of the Kremlin the duke’s courtyard stood, nearby a protective shaft was built, which, judging by the remains found containers were cellars for storing honey. Among the interesting archaeological finds the remnants of the bronze 12th century Church chandelier shards of medieval amphoras and Donets pots with the seal of the Rurik dynasty are the most outstanding.
  4. Pokrovskaya Church.
    Pokrova Presvyatoy Bogoroditsy Church in Yuryev-Polskiy was built in 1769. Although the temple, which is located at this place, is known since 1712. Monk Kirill of Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk monastery was its founder. Next to the Church, he erected a wooden cells to Pokrovski female monastery. In 1768 year Temple was burned, residents managed to save icons, books and valuable supplies. A year later, the parishioners built a new stone church. It survived until our days: five-domed church, decorated with carvings and fasades.
  5. The Cathedral Of the Archangel Michael.
    Cathedral of the Archangel Michael is the main Cathedral of the Archangel Michael monastery in Yuryev-Polskiy. It was built in 1792-1806, on the site of the first stone of the temple. In 1535 there still was a standing wooden church in honour of the Archangel Michael with a side-chapel of Ilya the Prophet. This church was built with funds of Grand Vasily Ioanovich. History has preserved the name of another donor duke Ivan Mikhailovich Kubenskoy. In 1560 there was the first stone Cathedral. In Mikhailo-Archangel Cathedral here were many Abbots of the monastery. Among them is the son of the founder of the monastery of Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich, duke of Chernigov, Dimitry, monk who died in the year 1269.