Located in 30 km from the center of St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets is one of the most refined and most known palace and park ensembles of the world. Without any exaggeration it is possible to call it the main decoration of "a pearl necklace" of St. Petersburg as for unique magnificence call suburbs of the Northern capital.
The history of Petrodvorets (it is Petergof or Pitergof as spoke at the beginning of the 18th century) is connected first of all with Peter I who in 1714 has conceived to build the ceremonial country residence which would surpass the French Versailles in the luxury on this place. The emperor took active part in design and construction of the palace: numerous drawings of Petr, drawings with his marks and corrections have remained, the other documents confirming that he not only was engaged in the general planning of the Petergof ensemble but also I developed separate details of architectural constructions and fountains.
The main decorations of Petergof are hundreds of the most different by the form and to design of the fountains creating ensemble, unique on beauty. A specific place among them is held by the Big cascade created on Peter the Great's project. It is one of the most grandiose fountain constructions in the world representing a huge grotto on which parties richly decorated waterfall ladders are located. The Samson fountain with a statue of the bible hero who is tearing apart a mouth to a lion became the most colourful symbol of a victory of Russians over Swedes. The fountain has been built in Petergof in honor of the 25 anniversary from the date of the Poltava victory.
Magnificent parks, numerous fountains, gilded and marble statues, magnificent furniture of palaces of Peterhof - everything had to show wealth and glory to Russia which has opened "a window to Europe" and strongly approved on the Baltic Sea.