Country: Russia
City/locality: Kalyazin
Address: st. Zavodskaya 17a/2
Phone/Fax: +7(910) 648-16-97, + 7 (48249) 2-55-2, 95-55-91
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hotel «Kalyazin»-is a new and modern 3-star category Hotel, built in 2009 year on the outskirts of the town of Kalyazin. The hotel offers modern and cosy rooms, equipped with everything necessary for a good rest. The hotel is aimed at the organized tourist groups, corporate clients, as well as commemorative events, but hotel clients can be and individual tourists. For various events, you can rent a whole Banquet Hall and restaurant halls. The atmosphere of comfort, high level of service and security, as well as individual approach to each guest the distinctive features of this hotel.