The ring was created long;
It - a basis of all Russia -
Life has begun to flow as if Volga!
Feel her regularity.

Nick Mamaev

Rostov Veliky, St. 50 let Oktyabrya, d. 9/6

Tel.: (48536) 6-49-49

Tel/fax: (48536) 6-33-81

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In the Centre of the ancient Russian city of Rostov the great situated hotel complex "LION″". Vintage two-story buildings where the complex is located, have a rich and interesting history. They were built in 1781 year one of the most famous and noble town merchants Ivan Khlebnikov and Nikolai Sorogin, who passed trade craft from generation to generation. Each of the subsequent owners of the building tried to bring something into the appearance of the architectural ensemble, but the main features of the monument still retains and is an integral part of the historical centre of Rostov the great.